Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Our First Farm

Major Farm Hunting Happening here in the midlands!!!

Been spending days and days looking for the right farm in the midlands; kzn. So far I have narrowed it down to 3 farms! If you have lived in the area your input would be greatly appreciated.

Farm in Midlands 01:

Ok so what I live about this farm is this amazing view with the swimming pool. I have 3 kids so the swimming pool would just be AWESOME!!

Saying that, while being up there looking at farms it was extremely cold, and its summer! Would we ever need a swimming pool on the farm in the midlands?

Farm in KZN; Midlands 02:

We are planning to get horses so this farm with all the open land is tempting us.

Farm 03:

What we love most about this farm is the beautiful flowers that bloom there.

And that's all of them. If you have anything you think we need to know before buying one of these farms please comment below. We found these farms through this website: http://kznfarms.co.za/ for anyone that wants to know.
